100616Hi.  My name is Rod Saunders, and I’m the owner of Jew and Greek.  I’m a musician, web developer, and a student of philosophy and economics.  I recently published my first book on Amazon entitled Defending the Faith: Word of Faith Apologetics.  It’s a response to the numerous charges against and misrepresentations of the Word of Faith movement and theology.  I also have a CD of original music on CD Baby entitled Gates of Pearl.

I have worked in IT off and on for twenty years.  I built my first website in 1999, and have built many more since.  My blogging career started in 2011 when I began writing about a hard currency scam.  The site became very popular, but I felt that it had run its course and I wanted to put my research and writing skills to better use, so I started this site.

My YouTube Channel

“Jew and Greek” is a good name because the two civilizations that influenced Western civilization the most were those of the Judeo-Christian and Greek worlds.  From the Jews we received our values and a monotheistic theology, and from the Greeks we got philosophy which brought us science, sports, the arts, democracy, and economics.   As a result I discuss all of the above in this blog and in my videos.  I write most of the material here, but occasionally I’ll publish something from a guest writer.

Jewish and Greek Thought

My Beliefs

While I do my best to be tolerant of the views of others and as gracious as possible when I disagree with them, I do feel that it’s necessary to establish for my readers a frame of reference for what I write.  I am a born again Christian, and I affirm all of the essential doctrines of the faith.  I was raised Southern Baptist and was baptized at the age of eight.  In my twenties I attended bible school which gave me an appreciation for theology.  After I graduated I began studying many other subjects on my own, including philosophy, political science, economics, and the origins of the universe and man.

  • Regarding philosophy, I have an appreciation for the ancient Greeks and how they began the quest to understand the nature of life and the material world, but of course as a Christian I realize that man is limited in his capacity to comprehend these things.  That revelation has been provided for us by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Bible.
  • Regarding theology, I am a Charismatic/Neo-Pentecostal with an Arminian view on sovereignty and a limited acceptance of dispensationalism.
  • Regarding political science, I believe in democracy but of course I recognize its limitations.  Socrates didn’t believe that the masses were capable of governing themselves, and to a certain extent I agree.  They can only do so to the extent that they remain informed.  That’s why our founding fathers stated that a well-informed citizenry was necessary for our survival as free people.  My ideology is somewhat complicated, and I tend to offend people on both sides of the spectrum.  I am conservative on most issues, although I have many libertarian leanings as well.  While many people become more conservative as they get older, I have actually become more liberal.  Above all as a Christian I absolutely reject partisanship of any kind.  All issues and all candidates should be accepted or rejected on their own merits.
  • Regarding economics, I believe in capitalism but again I must qualify that with the fact that human nature being what it is requires that there be some regulatory oversight.  Unbridled capitalism will not work, as we saw in the economic crash that led to the Great Depression.
  • Regarding origins, I have mixed views on the origin of the universe.  While I certainly don’t believe that the universe created itself through a random event, I’m not committed to a time frame or process by which God created everything.  I do not believe in macro-evolution (evolution across species) but I do believe in micro-evolution (gradual adaptations within species).

Guest Contributors


In addition to being a close friend, Marcus Curtis has worked for a Fortune 500 company for twenty-five years.  He has a strong background in economics, apologetics, and bible prophecy.  He currently runs two blogs called Iraq Currency Watch and Biblical Views and World Economics.  Also a musician, Marcus has a website dedicated to helping musicians develop their guitar playing and promote their music called Marcus Curtis Music.

Supporting J & G

This is a for-profit venture so I don’t accept donations.  If you like the work that I do and want to support it, just buy my stuff.  Tell other people about the blog.  Watch my YouTube videos.  Invite me to speak at your meetings.  The more revenues I get from my online efforts the more time I will have to devote to them.  Thanks.

My Other Websites

Rod Saunders – My personal website where I feature my music.

English Audios – A website where I teach English as a foreign langauge.

Why Christianity – My Christian Apologetics website.

18 thoughts on “About J & G

  1. i like what you are doing in defense of wof , i wanted to attend rhema back in the 80’s , but i “chose poorly” to say the least. i am endeavoring to find / fulfill His purposes for whatever time is left for me. i would like to get involved with what your doing somehow. my “giftings” have surfaced on occasion , but i’ve simply been too distracted to develope much. i.e. = wrote a term paper in college that destroyed durkheim’s theory of “moral relativism”…(similiar to the movie “God’s not dead”, i had to contend with a triple phd. in soc.sci.) the “spirit of wisdom / revelation” was phenominal!! all Him ,my contribution was minimal. anywho, i’ll follow what your doing , and look for opportunity to help. God bless & keep you safe.

    1. Hi, Mark. It sounds like you have a common interest in apologetics, theology, and philosophy. That’s great. As you may know, I have this site, a YouTube channel, and pages for Facebook and Twitter in addition to my eBook on Amazon Kindle. I’m trying to build a follower/subscriber base for now. Next year I plan to start doing podcasts and interviews. So what you can do is help me get the word out about what I’m doing, and if you see something that you think I should write about don’t hesitate to send it to me. Thanks for your support.


  2. Thoroughly enjoyed Mark 16 discussion. I have wondered about the latter part of the chapter. You have fully satisfied my curriosity with your explanation . Thank you

  3. Hi Rod, I came across your channel today and watched 2 of your videos on Bethel along with reading some of the comments by other viewers and you. I really appreciated your thoughts and do get frustrated by some who twist things or take out of context what some Charismatic/spirit-filled (I’m more from this “camp”) preachers say in their sermons/books. I’ve also listened to some of Melissa Daughtery and Doreen Virtue’s videos and do appreciate Doreen’s warnings about new age practices.
    I had been listening to Bill Johnson for a number of years and have read several of his books. My concern with Bethel now is what seems to be strong leanings into new age practices and their approval of prophetic jewelry and reading of destiny cards. I’m just at a point that I do not want to listen to his teachings or read any books coming out of Bethel any more because of this. Though I still love him so much it hurts, I don’t like the mixture and the seductiveness of new age practices or how Christians are compromising truth more and more. Do you have a video commenting on the prophetic jewelry & destiny cards that you can direct me to or would you give me your thoughts about this? Thank you so much, Kathleen

    1. Hi Kathleen. Thanks for contacting me. The Destiny Cards thing is bogus. That was a group in Australia, and Bethel had nothing to do with it. The only connection is that the people behind it were related to somebody on staff at Bethel. Another lie from the critics, just like the claim that they promote grave soaking. I don’t know anything about the jewelry. I have nothing against Melissa and Doreen warning people about the New Age and New Thought, but they can’t make the distinction between New Age/New Thought and the Word of Faith. Melissa did a video where she said that WoF came from Phinease Quimby and New Thought via E. W. Kenyon which is not true. I did a video response and never heard back from her. I have it from a reliable source that she knows about my rebuttal but thinks I was mean to her. Whatever. I’m not always nice to people who spread lies like that. Doreen was selling angel therapy stuff a couple of years ago, and now she’s some sort of authority on theology and Word of Faith? Give me a break. These ladies need to just stick to what they know for awhile and learn how to separate fact from fiction from the cessationist camp. Listening to Justin Peters is a sure recipe for becoming misinformed. If you’re not comfortable with Bethel at this time I can understand. I don’t support everything coming out of there myself, but I’m not going to misrepresent what they say and do and I’m not going to label them heretics when I know that they affirm all of the essentials of the faith. The Spirit of God will never lead anybody to do that. Blessings!

  4. Thanks for your reply Rod. I knew Bethel was not the one to bring out the cards but they seem to be ok with it according to a statement on their website under Christalignment. I keep wondering what’s next in the Charismatic churches. We seem accepting of so many things as not to be judgemental but throw caution or correction to the wind. I certainly don’t want to be ugly about it though. The Word converts. Would the apostles use cards? It seems Jesus is just not enough.
    I am disappointed that Melissa and Doreen have swung way over to the Calvinist/cessionists camp. Though some of those brothers I really love & respect, I can’t listen to a few of them anymore either because of such disrespect or lack of honor they show for others. I really don’t understand how they get what they get out of the Word….no more than my camp.
    It seems both camps can have extreme views or anything goes if it feels good. I do hope we will all remain teachable and as we truly continue to seek and grow in Him, we’ll gain wisdom and understanding and the fear of the Lord.
    Thanks again for your perspective. Peace to you.

    1. I don’t agree with Bill Johnson and Bethel on a number of things. Trust me, I would love to sit down with Bill or Kris and go over a few things with them that concern me. The same goes for Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, and Jesse Duplantis. But I don’t call them heretics because they affirm the essentials, despite what their critics claim. Blessings.

  5. Hi Rod. I’m over the smoke machines / flashy light shows in church and the volume is outrageous! Do you have any comment on this ? ( btw I’ve been Pentecostal for 40 years ) Thenks . Ian Alexander

    1. Hi Ian. I agree. I remember about 20 years ago I was asked to play the guitar for a youth meeting at Victory Christian Center in Tulsa. I was old enough to be the daddy of everybody in the band. The drummer was a 15 year old kid whose dad used to lead worship at Rhema. Big kid, about 6’3″. Anyway, I was checking my levels and getting my guitar tuned when I heard what sounded like a gunshot. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around and it was the drummer testing his snare drum. I knew right then that I was in for a long night. Everything those kids did was LOUD! These things come in phases. In a couple of years you’ll probably see people abandon this rock concert approach and seek true worship. When that happens us old timers will hopefully be able to guide them based on how it used to be done when we were younger.

  6. Hi Rod! I’ have been recently searching for more charismatic apologists for biblical commentary and perspective specifically about the topic of modern day operation of spiritual gifts and offices. Besides Dr. Michael Brown, what other Charismatic apologists would you recommend us to check out?

    1. There are a few with varying theological perspectives. Some are Word of Faith, some are more “Signs and Wonders”, so lean toward the Vineyard tradition, and some are more Pentecostal. Where do you think you fit?

      1. Hello my Brother Rod
        I have viewed your channel on you tube for many from time John Mac A did the strange fire nonsense to the laugh a minute of Justine the best was his tongue comments the lord alone knows
        I would love you to a rebuttal on the latest Mike Winger on his nonsense of Bethel is using new age practices as normal these heretic hunter take passages out pastor bills books out of context and some Justine latest drivel that so blinded by there cessationist view
        they can’t see wood for the trees

  7. Hi Rod,
    I just discovered your youtube site a couple of days ago and wanted to thank you for your thorough work. Looking over the comments I noticed you seem to attract those who are unteachable and hostile, those who are intellectually limited and fearful of being deceived, those who agree with you and those who are overwhelmed with the arguments of their hero’s and realize they might be wrong. I wonder if you have a group of intercessors praying for you and those you confront? I believe what you do is incredibly important and the spiritual battle is raging even in the minds of those reading and commenting on your videos. I am grieved by the Calvinists (I grew up in the Baptist church, pastored in 2 of them and then received gifts “that don’t exist anymore”). So I have experienced “friendly fire” like you have.

    My journey in the realm of apologetics started when I was at Multnomah School of the Bible and believed in the gifts with no connection to them experientially, while trying to navigate the dispensational teaching. It got more intense when I went to Portland State University earning a degree in History and a second one in Philosophy. I was often the only Christian in class (at least the only one saying anything). Things got tougher when I went to and graduated from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. The closest thing I ever had to an honest discussion about the gifts was when a professor privately confessed that he was “cautiously optimistic” that they might still exist. It was difficult to write papers and feel like I would be seen as orthodox or credible.

    Anyway, I had a thought on the “holy laughter” issue that folks seem to occasionally bring up with you. 1 Peter 1:8 says, “…though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.” I believe there is a Psalm that says something like “unspeakable joy” as well. I have experienced numerous intense sessions of this phenomena over the years and love it 🙂

  8. I watched you last video last week on William Branham and his Ministry. I have several concerns that I would like to mention to you as a minister of the Gospel and former pastor. I graduated Southeaster University of the Assemblies of God back in 1986 and pastor for several years, now my focus has been on the teachings and prophecies of William Branham.
    I was exposed to the teachings of William Branham thru my wife, who has attended a “Message” churches for almost 40 years. It was not till recent, that we started attending a “Message” church in South Carolina and I began a long and disconcerting discovery of their teachings and beliefs. My concern is that your recent video will encourage “Message Believers” and their ministers and others to consider their churches Orthodox.
    My journey began with the web site: William Branham Historical Research / http://www.william-branhan.org . Here I discovered from historical documentation the many false prophecies, untrue life stories of Branham and his connections with teachings similar to Christian Identity (serpent seed and separation of the races). The author has a recent book out called: Preacher behind the white hoods by John Collins. Mr. Collins grandfather was very close friends with Branham and pastored the Branham Tabernacle after Branham’s death and Mr. Collins has firsthand knowledge of the Prophet and his family.
    You will discover from this books Branham’s prophecies were either after the event, ie Egg Shaped car was prophesied after he attend the world’s fair and the vehicle was on display or the prophecy never occurred, the bridge vision. The message believes that Branham being a prophet, that his words are equal to scripture and thus his teachings have led to such ministers coming into power as Jim Jones who was influence by Branham.
    My next book was by the same author: Stone Mountain to Dallas and the influence of Dr. Roy E. Davis had on William Branham. He was the first pastor of William Branham and mentor. Dr. Davis was a known member and spokesperson of the Klu Klux Klan and latter Imperial Wizard. He remained a close friend and mention during Williams Branham’s life. The author has research that connects the influence of the Klan to Branham’s teaching: Serpent Seed and hatred of Jews, Women, Catholics and the separation of the races.
    When I picked up the book by Bryan Smalls: Investigating William Branham: The unfolding story of Plagiarisms and errors, I learned that his cloud vision where he met 5 to 7 angles in Arizona, that Branham was not even in Arizona to have met the angles. That his work on the 7 church ages and seals were nothing more than copies of the work of Clarence Larkin’s books: dispensation truths and his commentary of Revelation. Both books were written around 1910.
    I would recommend the following web sites for additions research:
    http://WWW.William-Branham.org (History of Branham)
    http://WWW.Believethesign.com (Attempted to prove Brenham’s teachings only to now show his false doctrine)
    http://WWW.searchingforvindication.com (again attempted to prove his prophices and teachings only to find they were all false)
    http://WWW.castingpearlsproject.com (helping abused women leave the message).

    I only hope and pray you consider these web sites and research. There are always two sides to every story, but this one is one of darkness, oppression and cult like teachings.
    Robert Sparkman, M.S.

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