The hype concerning September and October of this year producing some cataclysmic event in the economy or elsewhere is primarily due to Jonathan Cahn’s book The Mystery of the Shemitah. In this video from August Mr. Cahn clarifies a few points which I would like to address.

  1. A Great Shaking Is Coming – This could very well be true. America is in an ongoing moral decline, I agree. However, Mr. Cahn leaves the time and the method of the shaking very murky. He’s just sounding the alarm. It could be a financial or economic collapse, a natural disaster, terrorism, war, or it could come in “many other ways”. So if there’s an economic downturn, an earthquake, a terrorist attack, a war, or basically anything, else bad that occurs in the next few months I assume he’ll claim that as proof that he was right.  In fact, he has already mentioned the 6.6 magnitude earthquake in the Gulf of California on September 13 to support what he’s saying.
  2. God Is Sovereign … He doesn’t have to do anything – So now the alarm is being sounded because something might not happen.
  3. If Nothing Happens We Will Spread The Gospel, And If Something Happens We Will Spread The Gospel – Of course we will. So what’s all the Shemitah about?
  4. The Time Frame For The Shemitah Is Sept. 2015 – Sept. 2016 – So we could actually have an economic downturn or a natural disaster or a terrorist attack over the next twelve months. Odds are pretty good that one of those three things could happen in any given year. In fact we’ve had a terrorist attack or a thwarted terrorist attack every year since 9-11. The same is true of natural disasters.
  5. The SCOTUS Decision Regarding Gay Marriage Was An Act Of Desecration That Will Bring Judgment – The same was said when prayer was banned from public schools in the ’60s, and when Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion in the ’70s. While I agree that this was not a good thing and that it is another mile marker on the road to judgment, I don’t think it necessarily means the judgment of God will be poured out on America in the next twelve months any more than it was after the other two rulings I mentioned.

The rest of the video is more or less a call for prayer and repentance. I’ll certainly go along with that, but as for the first half of the video he basically is telling us that these Jewish feasts and time cycles indicate that something that happens almost every year may or may not happen in September, or October, or any time between now and September of 2016, and he’s just sounding the alarm. My question to him would be … “Alarm for what?”.

Jonathan Cahn and The Shemitah

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