Sometimes you will hear critics refer to WoF theology as “New Age”.  Most of the people saying this probably have no clue what New Age beliefs and practices are, otherwise they wouldn’t make such an ignorant remark.

The New Age movement began in the West during the 1970s.  It features a holistic view of the cosmos (everything is connected – we’re all one), astrology, the belief in the coming age of Aquarius (thus the name), the belief that we are gods and need to recognize our godhood, alternative healing techniques, channeling, the law of attraction, transcendental meditation, reincarnation, and pseudoscience.

Below you can watch a video to learn what the New Age is all about from a former practitioner.

Apart from the unfortunate verbiage used by some in the WoF movement that sounds like the law of attraction, I see no resemblance whatsoever.  Nobody in the Faith movement is creating astrology charts, channeling spirits, teaching TM … etc.  This is just one more baseless allegation made by people who haven’t done their research.

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